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About the project in English language


About participants involved in this project:



MSWS (Modelling of hydraulic standing wave for the purposes of water sport) is a project that runs from February to September 2014. Project is financed from tender from  Slovene human resources development and scholarship fund and European Union. In MSWS project are included ten students from University of Ljubljana, two professors mentors and one professional/business mentor from Slovenian company HESS d.o.o. There are 9 students from Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering, manly from water management and environmental engineering, and one student is from Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. Our mentors in this project from the faculties are prof. dr. Franci Steinman from FGG and doc. dr. Tom Bajcar from FS. And our mentor from the economy is mag. inž. str. Boštjan Pišotek from HESS d.o.o..


About the project:


The challenge of participants in this project is to design water structure with which it will be able to create a standing hydraulic wave of water with characteristics that will enable water sport like surfing. For the purpose of optimal design will be necessary to study the properies of water flow over structures, properties of the water jump and the standing hydraulic jump. In the first phase we will, in the Department of Fluid Mechanics with laboratories in Ljubljana, design  and test in a water channel, and then  we will use appropriate computers software for calibration of a computer model from obtained data from laboratory tests.


About hydraulic jump


If you would want to know more about the project, we will be glad to answer all your questions. Just write to us on this email address:







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